Sareh Arjmand

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-28

Sareh Arjmand

Life Sciences and Bio-technology /


  1. 1. Protein Purification Using Intein-Hydrophobin Tag and Alcohol Precipitation
    Sareh Arjmand, SAHAR NEJATIPOOR, Seyyed Omid Ranaee Siadat
    Issued by US Patent Office , Tehran , USA , 2018
  2. 2. Formulation of a chemically defined medium for high cell density cultivation of yeast Pichia pastoris and production of recombinant protein
    Sareh Arjmand, Abbas Sahebghadam Lotfi, Seyed Safa Ali Fatemi Arjanaki
    Issued by Scientific and Industrial Research Organization , Tehran , Iran , 1396
  3. 3. fabrication of gelatin/ laminin scaffold using cryoliophilization method in order to simulating extracellular matrix for culture and differentiation of stem cell
    Sareh Arjmand, Abbas Sahebghadam Lotfi, Alemeh Mohammadpour
    Issued by Scientific and Industrial Research Organization , Tehran , Iran , 1395